Diabetes is a disease that is classified to be chronic. If the treatment is not started at the right time, it leads to major complications in the body which include eye infections, body pain, kidney failure, etc. Various treatments are derived for the control of diabetes, out of these one is a cure with the help of Ayurveda. It has been proven that Ayurveda is the ultimate solution to most of the dangerous diseases that occur in our bodies. However, dangerous the disease may be the growth of the disease is made simple through it. In the same way, Ayurvedic home remedies are suggested to control the diabetic condition with ease. So, let us find out how can home remedies help in controlling diabetes!
The literal translation of this word in Hindi is “sugar destroyer”. It is made up of gymneic acid that helps curb the sugar craving one gets. It also helps in blocking the receptors in your intestines and stops the absorption of sugar which reduces the after-meal blood sugar level. It also helps in balancing insulin levels of the body.
Giloy helps in managing type 2 diabetes. It works like a hypoglycaemic which stimulates the production of insulin and reduces the blood sugar level. In all, it reduces burns off the excess glucose that further decreases the blood sugar.
Methi has several health advantages but one of its significant advantages in managing blood sugar levels. The fibre present in Methi makes a layer in the intestine that makes it difficult for it to absorb sugar. It also plays an important role in how blood utilizes sugar levels.
Jamun contains a high amount of water with no sucrose in it. The seed contains hypoglycaemic that reduces blood sugar. The high levels of alkaloid present reduce the high level of blood sugar.
Tulsi is also known to be very beneficial for those who are pre-diabetic and have type-2 diabetes. The consumption of tulsi helps in making the postprandial less. It contains antioxidants that produce various chemicals that help the pancreatic cells increasing their insulin sensitivity.
It is rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants, iron, and calcium that help boost the health of the body. Moreover, it also regulates the blood sugar level and makes the body more responsive to insulin.
It is a superfood containing loads of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients that are very important in managing diabetes. An active compound called cur-cumin decreases the levels of glucose in the blood and also helps in curing other complications of diabetes.
If you fail to manage your diabetes, we all know that it increases the chances of more serious complications. So, one can try food remedies to keep diabetes in check to eliminate the possibility of any complications. Though one should always remember that these foods may help in managing the sugar level, one should always make sure to follow an overall nutritious diet. At Modi Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh our mentors help you achieve optimal health conditions with a great diabetic plan exclusively for you. There are different dietary and lifestyle recommendations for each season of the year to promote optimal health. To know more about our Ayurvedic approach, Check out our program today!